We specialize in the support, supervision and management of purchasing portals. In this sense, we provide the associated services and software tools for the realization and operation of modern, web-based purchasing with benchmark reporting. Based on the reports, you can recognize the changes in comparison to statistical price developments and consequently the product groups to be optimized.
Whether purchasing cooperative, purchasing company, purchasing cooperation, central purchasing or free joint purchasing. We offer services and software tools for the realization and operation of modern, web-based purchasing.
It's not just the ball that's round!
...even a structured purchasing process with continuous optimization goes round in circles, so to speak. Each purchasing process fills a reporting system, which in turn benchmarks the current purchasing situation with statistical data.

With this approach, a comparison of conditions does not just take place once when an order is placed or when a product group is put out to tender again, but can be checked at any time during the ordering process. The procurement recommendation can take different suppliers into account.
Of course, this option is only available to a company if every procurement process, from order initiation to invoice control, can be easily carried out in one system. For this purpose, preselected assortments are stored in watch lists, order release limits are defined and account assignment and address information is automatically determined. However, it also becomes simple when working with mobile devices or processing barcodes.
The parameterization of the system, the specifications for the operation of the order portal, the checking of approvals or budgets and the automated comparison of delivery bills and invoices enable efficient purchasing processes that can be used by any customer with little prior knowledge and training. The assigned and checked documents are ideally transferred to a financial accounting system.
The Purchases are then automatically transferred to the data warehouse and the price changes of the corresponding product groups are checked. The aim is to identify the product groups that have performed worse than the general market trend. The affected product groups are then focused on and renegotiated if necessary. The circle closes.
You are welcome to send us your special requirements. We will then obtain quotations from our pool of suppliers and procure these requirements for you. If you wish, we can also discuss a single vendor model with you. This would give you the advantage of receiving only one checked invoice per month, thus reducing the time and effort required for checking and clarification to a minimum.
- Invoices are sent to a mailbox or email address that is monitored by the scanning service provider.
- Alternatively, any electronic documents can also be received, e.g. EDI
- Incomplete or formally incorrect vouchers will be returned upon acceptance

- Invoices are converted into the standardized digital format ZUGFERD and are then 100% human- and machine-readable
- An automated check assigns invoices to order transactions and identifies discrepancies
- Email workflow for approving the invoice
- 100% of invoices are automatically checked against previous documents
- Incoming invoices and other document types are archived by a certified RESISCAN service provider (therefore also a 100% archiving solution!)
- Auto-accounting and interface to downstream FIBU